Supply chain visibility is paramount to effective supply chain management. Knowing the status of each component within the process is key to minimizing disruption, managing costs, delivering goods and services to customers, and generating profit for the organisation


Our WMS solution has provided visibility to many businesses entire inventory and manages their supply chain fulfilment operations from the distribution centre to the shop shelf. Businesses deploying our WMS solution have experienced optimized warehouse processes and have ensured efficient handling of goods from the moment they enter the warehouse until they leave. We have eliminated manual errors by automating processes and maximised warehouse space utilisation which is a major expense for a warehouse.

Simple Inventory Management System (SIMS)

Our SIMS app is a simple but powerful stock taking application that runs on a mobile device and allows businesses to translate inventory related scanned data into a spreadsheet. This spreadsheet can then be imported into various back-end systems. The beauty of this application is that the business requires no backend infrastructure which makes it ideal for small to medium size organisations. It is a feature rich app covering booking in stock, put away stock, goods out and stock take to name a few.

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